Awards of Excellence

Image of Awards of Excellence Awardees

Each year, the Association honors health center staff, board members, and community supporters for their exceptional gifts of time, effort and dedication to the Community Health movement. Nominations for the Association's Awards of Excellence are accepted year-round online by clicking on the nomination form located under each award description below. Awards are given annually.

View Previous Recipients

Caryl E. Carpenter Excellence in Community Support Award

Focus: Community Supporter of Primary Health Care Services

This award recognizes an individual, not employed by a health center, for their support of community health center programs though their participation on the board, as policy makers, or in the community.

Examples include demonstrated success in strengthening the work of community health centers or promoting a health center in its community.

This award, named in honor of Caryl E. Carpenter, Ph.D., recognizes outstanding achievement in expanding access to primary health care services. Dr. Carpenter administered rural community health centers in East Tennessee and served as the association's first president, from 1976 to 1978. Her work with state policy makers contributed to the passage of the Primary Care Act of 1980, which improved access to care.

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2024 Awardee:
Rick Keeton, Board Chairman of Mountain People's Health Councils, Inc.

Learn more about Rick Keeton's service, volunteer philosophy, and work at Mountain People's!

Read the Blog

Charles E. Darling Organization of Excellence Award

Focus: Improving Healthcare for Vulnerable Populations

This award recognizes a team or organization that has exhibited innovation and dedication to the delivery of primary care to vulnerable populations.

Examples include efforts that use creativity/innovation to improve treatment, access, and/or delivery of primary health care to patients who are homeless, immigrants, poor, live in a remote rural area, or are otherwise outside of mainstream health care services.

This award, named in honor of Dr. Charles E. Darling, recognizes outstanding achievement in organizing, delivering, and/or financing health services to vulnerable populations. Dr. Darling dedicated his life to serving the prenatal health needs of women in East Tennessee, regardless of their ability to pay.

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Logan Beasley Leadership Excellence Award

Focus: Expanding Access to Primary Health Care Through Leadership

This award recognizes an individual within a health center who has demonstrated leadership skills resulting in the expansion of primary health care access.

Examples include leadership resulting in a new clinic, a new service(s), and/or new partners for health center. Individuals nominated may be recognized for developing outreach efforts, showing creativity in expanding primary health care, dedication to community services, and the lasting impact of new projects.

This award recognizes individuals who provide outstanding service in support of member organizations. Throughout his career with the U.S. Public Health Service, Logan Beasley steadfastly worked both regionally and with individual centers to develop primary care services and to strengthen community health centers.

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Outstanding Practitioner of the Year

Focus: Leadership, Community Involvement, Patient Care

This award recognizes a clinical practitioner, employed by an organizational member of the association, whose work has demonstrated outstanding leadership, community involvement, and dedication to patient care.

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